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Thursday, September 18, 2014

There are so many people inside this world of ours...

There are so many people who are needing to be heard
People whose disabilities silence their every word
People who won't ever shout out and who are so much alone
There are so many people waiting to hear us on the phone

There are so many people whose hearts are wounded deep
They cry inside the silence and late at night they weep
We walk beside them daily but their hurts we never see
There are so many people who are needing you and me

There are so many people who grace us with their lives
Doing for the many is what  will make their spirits thrive
Without the need for fanfare or the spotlights on the news
There are so many people who prefer the quieter shoes...

There are so many people inside of this world of ours
We are just one of the many beautifully growing flowers
Apart or all together everyone of us has so much to say::
So let us unite together and become a beautiful bouquet

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