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Friday, February 7, 2014

Let Me in

I feel the hurts you hold within
And see the pain that wears you thin
If only you would let Me in
Then all your healing could begin

All those tears you shed at night
All those heartbreaks all that fright
Holds you anchored to a way
That won't let Me in or let Me stay

I feel the hurts you hold within
And see the pains that wear you thin
If only you would let Me in
Then all your healing could begin

I saw the sorrows that you knew
Heard the news that pierced you threw
You were wounded through and through
I was watching waiting for you

I feel the hurts you hold within
And see the pains that wear you thin
If only you would let Me in
Then all your healing could begin

Turn your inward gaze on Me
Let Me look and let Me see
All that hurt and misery
I will heal you set you free

I feel the hurts you hold within
And see the pains that wear you thin
If only you would let Me in
Then all your healing could begin

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Thank you for your comment.. you are dear to me.. I will reply to this comment