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Friday, October 25, 2013

They're outside and they're waiting

They're outside and they're waiting with their silence that creates
Whispering through the darkness and marveling at our fates
Spirits without faces and  without  voices we can hear
Are watching and always waiting for their charges to appear.

Haven't you had those moments when tragedy's  about to be
And a miraculous push or touch changes everything wonderfully?
Or haven't you known a time when you heart was filled with fear
And a sudden sense of calm made every worry disappear

They're outside and they're waiting with their silence that creates
Whispering through the darkness and marveling at our fates
Spirits without faces and  without  voices we can hear
Are watching and always waiting for their charges to appear

Whenever you are tempted to give discouragement free reign
They are there to nudge you and remind you of it's pain
And when the past keep haunting and reminding you of a wrong
They are the guardian angels who will sing for you a song..

They're outside and they're waiting with their silence that creates
Whispering through the darkness and marveling at our fates
Spirits without faces and  without  voices we can hear
Are watching and always waiting for their charges to appear

Believe in them and trust them for they are everywhere around
Through the silence and the noisy-ness they will always sound
With hopeful notes of happiness and  peaceful melodies
Angels are always sharing with us their freeing energies

They're outside and they're waiting with their silence that creates
Whispering through the darkness and marveling at our fates
Spirits without faces and  without  voices we can hear
Are watching and always waiting for their charges to appear

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