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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Something's in the wind

Something's in the wind that is passing through
Softly it is calling and inviting me and you
Sweetly taste the beauty in everything you see
Life is so much more it has such mystery

Put aside  your business and put aside some time
Let your spirit ponder; you soul create some rhyme
Too much noise around you has silenced all within
Let the universe awaken your playfulness again.

Listen to the wisdom inside the rocks and trees
See the world around you like a little one sees
Everything's an adventure and  everything's brand new
Let the singing of the creatures awaken joy in you

How many times you've passed it  all this beautiful-ness
Never taking the moments to escape from your busy-ness
It's not the kind of pattern that you should  ever want in you
Let the rhythm of this universe take over all you do..

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