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Monday, October 21, 2013

Please tell me no more stories

Sometimes we have to let go to move on

Please tell me no more stories
And whisper no more lies
I'm done with all these worries
There can't be hope when no one tries

You said to me: "it's all over"
and that we could start anew
But then you start with the hurting
and there is nothing more to do.

Please tell me no more stories
And whisper no more lies
I'm done with all these worries
There can't be hope when no one tries

I'm tired of all these heartaches,
the nights without any sleep
You told me we'd be honest,
but that's a promise you can't keep

Please tell me no more stories
And whisper no more lies
I'm done with all these worries
There can't be hope when no one tries.

It's so hard to say this to you
but this time I've had enough
We can't be "we", unless you're true
We have to end this: all this stuff

Please tell me no more stories
And whisper no more lies
I'm done with all these worries
There can't be hope when no one tries

So it's good bye to you and I dear
We were kindred spirits for awhile
Your infidelity is unwelcome here
once you're gone then we'll smile

Please tell me no more stories
And whisper no more lies
I'm done with all these worries
There can't be hope when no one tries

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Thank you for your comment.. you are dear to me.. I will reply to this comment