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Friday, October 4, 2013

Start serving the people and walking our walk...

People are stressing out day by day
As Politicians fight  to get their way
Who are the right ones:  who  the wrong?
Can't we all just learn to get along?

All the universe is crying out
What is all this fighting all about?
Don't you see what's happening now
Can't we learn to get along somehow?

Take some time now and try to understand
Why is it  you've chosen to take your stand?
Are you sincerely seeking good for all?
Or are you hoping to see someone fall?

All the universe is crying out
What is all this fighting all about?
Don't you see what's happening now
Can't we learn to get along somehow?

The time has come for fighting to cease
Our nation is needing some calm and peace
Why do you continue with fruitless talk?
Start serving the people and  walking our walk

All the universe is crying out
What is all this fighting all about?
Don't you see what's happening now
Can't we learn to get along somehow?

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