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Saturday, August 24, 2013

If I could catch those teardops

If I could catch those tear drops that are falling from your eyes
I would gather them all up with all the angels from the skies
All those heartaches that you're holding are so painfully unfair
Let them go into the sunlight and let them disappear like air

All your sighing makes me weepy for I know why you are grieving
I wish that I could erase all the scars these hurts are leaving
You are more than all this sorrow which for a time has had to be
To me you are very precious and I want to help you become free.

Tomorrow when you are aching and are unable to find your smile
Know that I will be most willing to come and be with you awhile
Nothing will ever be undone by my coming to be with you over there
But me being by your side will  show you someone can really care.

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