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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I will be your angel

Come bring to me all of your heartaches and let fall here all of your tears
I will listen to you without prejudice to the reason behind all of your fears
You wont find in me any sort of condemnation and towards you  I'll forever be
A friend and a listening angel where your heart and your soul can be  free.

For too long you've known all of these heartaches this brokenness you keep inside
You have been feeling for so long like a victim who is needing to forever hide.
No more will you have to walk in these valleys without someone right by your side
For I will be here right beside you and share in  all of those feelings you hide.

I know that you will find it so hard to trust me: trusting me will be no easy road
Because many have abused your in your spirit and left you with such a heavy load
But I will not be like all  these others who were after what they could get from you
I will be truly the angel you're needing and won't leave you with promises untrue.

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