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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Quiet moments in the evening

Quiet moments  in the evening, when the stars are shining bright
Twinkling, sparkling, softly singing : they create  a silent night
I am  watching as the moonlight dances  across the dark nocturnal  sky
Beautiful images of the universe invite a thought from  you and I

I can hear the winter breezes as they touch upon  my face
Music seems to echo from them; leaving me in mystic grace
There's something about the winter silence, that creates a mystery
All the earth enjoys its slumber while creation hushes you and me.

Are such thoughts the thoughts of  poets or can every person hear
The whispers from the universe that  bring the Eternal one near?
Can every person hear the silence speaking out in its own way
 I believe everyone can hear it; one has only to invite it in to stay.

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