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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Grieving my kitty

I have lost one of my inside  kitties because of the evil one
who yesterday scared her off;  now my heart is so undone
i have called and called so many times, she's nowhere to be found
sweet angel how I'm missing you .. how i wish  you were around.

The other cats are grieving her; the youngest is so sad
Why are people so cruel and mean; why treat God's creatures bad
What could a little kitty do to deserve such spiteful hate
I am hurting deep within in me now  wondering about her fate


  1. Oh I know how horrible that is, I lost my adopted stray in different circumstances, but remember walking for hours searching the roadsides, calling him, I really hope your kitty comes back!

  2. Princess Fi
    Thank you . am heartbroken since Angel is not able to live outdoors she has been indoors all her life.. she is afraid of water and the neighbors squirts any cat she sses with water :( I hope she comes back but if not am grieving..its a deep loss. she has been with me since 2009.. I so appreciate you words..

  3. Hugs for you, how terrible to have her missing and not know what happened. Praying for your heart to be eased.

  4. Thank you for your concern and prayers..its a very big heart break she come a long way with me ..thru many states..


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