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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

For You have given me all these things...

For the sun that warms us all and for the moon that shines at night
I will raise my voice to You, Lord and be grateful in Your sight
For the tiniest little flowers and for the skies so bright and blue
Lord I will raise my hands in worship and speak  my praise to You

For You have given me all these things
And You are the reason that my heart sings
Nothing great or nothing small
Can ever change Your Love at all...

In the night when all is calm or in the day with all the noise
I will allow  my thankful spirit sound out its inner voice
For though the storm may gather round me or the sun be out all day
My heart will be ever thankful: saying thank You in every way

For You have given me all these things
And You are the reason that my heart sings
Nothing great or nothing small
Can ever change Your Love at all...

When around the table we gather and when we serve the food to eat
I will recall You my Great Provider and reserve for You a seat
For in the laughter and in the crying,  in the sharing and in the trying:
You O Lord have been ever present with Your Graces multiplying..

For You have given me all these things
And You are the reason my heart sings
Nothing great or nothing small
Can ever change Your Love at all...

Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers here. .love and light to all!

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