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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Far from all the arrogance...

Hidden in the unnoticeable-ness and far from all the arrogance
Is the Giver of all life and the Creator of all Intelligence
Shunning the most boastful and embracing the most humble
The Eternal One is the most open to the hearts that now crumble...

Not with the intellectual or even with the great ones
Does the Eternal Omnipotent come seeking any opinions
Something about the Greatness of this Infinite Almighty
That backs away from the fanfare and the media and notoriety.

The Infinite isn't in need of any approval or any rating.
For the  Heaven's aren't a place for the proud or the debating
In them the Everlasting is ever praising the Silent Giving
Of those who are on this earth to promote the fairest living..

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