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Sunday, October 12, 2014


Enter into the peaceful silence
the deep and the abiding silence
Let everything that is unspoken
be within your quiet presence
Be quiet and be so  inactive..
be still and so unadventurous
The spirit within you is wanting
to do something for you so miraculous

Just for some unblemished moments
and for some untainted seconds
Let the world that is around you
become a stranger to your nerves and tendons
Inhale all of this peacefulness,
these molecules of unmeasured stillness
Let the immensity of this sweet occurrence
protect you from every illness

Breathe out all that toxicity
all of that woundedness and false humility
Let out those creepy crawlies
that would strangle away  your peaceful serenity.
It is the moment of innermost renewal
and the moment of spiritual cleansing
When everything has transpired
you'll be for others and self a blessing

Thank you God for my life

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