Every raindrop echoes .. God is calling
And as we ponder it .let us rest
Inside the sound of such a Loving Guest
Every wisp of wind is always trying
To carry His voice ..and all His sighing
For our hearts , our minds and for our souls:
He longs to keep us all so close...
He paints the colors, as they shine
Inside our souls: both yours and mine;
And in the creatures and in the trees
God keeps on whispering ..He's in the breeze
Apart from everything and away from all
We need to step out and try to call
"Angels Spirits..and loving God
Guide us always ..where ever we trod"
The world is so noisy and tempting too
It keeps on calling out to me and you
Showing us those things.. along the way
That can capture our hearts and cause decay
We can make our choices .. we know it's so..
We can choose our friends and where ever we go
We can choose the path.. of wrong..of right
Whichever we choose .. will be our light..