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Monday, February 11, 2019

Appreciating each day

As I sit here in this early morn, I can hear the soundings so clear
Of molecules and atoms colliding: moving all of the atmosphere
Yet the sounds they make are heard in me and not by the mortal ear
For silence is the sound they sing and I must still myself to hear

The echoing cosmos; the universe; the brilliant amazing sky
Are challenging me to search and seek and to even question:  why
For their mysteries are so sweet so  sure; their beauty so evident to all:
If only we could contemplate and see the One who inspires their call

While morning sun is rising up and lighting this world I see
I consider all who have seen it's glow and what their thoughts might be
Have they basked inside of its warming shine and not even thought at all
That this enormous star of light and warmth is needed by great and small

Do we take for granted our every it is something that'll always be
Not stopping to consider that this is all a gift with a message for you and me
Have we forgotten to read the cards attached...mystically written with  time
Reminding us that we are all so loved without need for any verse or rhyme?

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