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Monday, January 26, 2015

Why couldn't you love me? ... (for all those who have wanted to ask this)

Why couldn't you say it:  say that you loved me?
All of my childhood I was kept in this wondering
I was longing for your loving  and few of your kisses
But all that I got was that belt and  the dishes,,,

Why couldn't you love me oh why didn't you say it
Something inside of me has been asking my own  spirit..

You could love the very youngest but the middles you hated
There was no doubt about it for the happenings were   dated
But you denied it the treatment you so unfairly distributed
We were  just your children and  "our remembering could be disputed."..

Why couldn't you love me oh why didn't you say it
Something inside of me has been asking my own  spirit..

The church taught us the submission and the value of silence
So we shut up our heartbreaks and the signs of any violence
But now I am considering it in the depth of my being
Why was it we were targeted by the rampages we were seeing?

Why couldn't you love me oh why didn't you say it
Something inside of me has been asking my own spirit..

Could it be that you hated the fact that you bore us
Beneath the guise of a faithful one but so far from the chorus?
You were forced into some darkness by the neglect of a parent
So you lived out your anger by abusing  what was apparent.

Why couldn't you love me oh why didn't you say it
Something inside of me has been asking my own  spirit..

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