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Monday, January 19, 2015

Don't make promises you won't keep..

Oh oh oh oh the promises how they flow
They all come out so quickly yet they never go
Oh oh oh oh the things that we will say
Convincing another person with words that do not weigh..

Promises oh the promises how many we have made
Like trophies they will come out: they're so quickly made..

Tomorrow, next week, or in a day or two
Thoughtlessly we are promising the things that we will do
In a moment,in an hour, or in a minute my dear
Words that we will promise but never see them clear...

Promises oh the promises how many we have made
Like trophies they will come out: they're so quickly made..

If for just a moment just one instant in our time
The things that we were promising were not a thoughtless line
But oh our words are frivolous they come out with a glow
We never mean to keep them but we carelessly let them go...

Promises, oh the promises, how many we have made
Like trophies they will come out: they're so quickly made..

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