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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tragic ending of Flight QZ8501

My heart goes out to all of the families
of those who have parished on  QZ8501
It is a terrible terrible, tragedy
 that's shaking the hearts of everyone
A holiday marked out by so much sadness:
 tears falling  down without any relief
Who can ever console all of these broken ones:
 soothe over all of their grief ?

The flight that went out with their loved ones:
 flew out into the turbulent air
Unready for the tempests that were awaiting it:
 of the storms it was so unaware
In an instant and in the flashing of lightning,
 the  flight QZ8501 went down
And now she and all of her passengers
 are resting quietly on the watery ground.

To the families and friends of the missing;
 to the people who are now tragically sad:
May the angels of all those who have fallen
carry to you some of the messages they had:
Touching you deep inside of your spirits
and speaking to you: that they are, all of them, okay;
Even though the tragedy of this QZ8501 airline
has led them to some dimensions so far away

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