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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

There's so much beauty

So much beauty, so  much wonder, so much mystery is in the air
The rain has dropped from Heaven and has left a sparkle everywhere
All the plants are freshly glistening with the the glistening from above
While all the trees and flowers are sparkling with the glow of lasting love.

Hear that chatter, hear that music; hear those sounds of happy grace?
For every fallen raindrop, a transformation has taken place.
Shining with all of those droplets that the Heavens have released below
The universe is radiantly singing with an Eternal and celestial glow.

All the grass around  me is shining and there is moisture in the air
Everythng that has been created is alive with a touch of  care.
The sun is starting to peak through and the clouds are floating away
I think that everything is beautiful and it's going to be a great day.

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