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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Not found in books

Just look all around you, look and see
So much beauty's waiting for you and me
A universe so inviting so welcoming too:
It's never the same and it's always so new.

O listen intently to all of that sound
A symphony of creatures, hovering around
Producing such harmony, such intensity
The universe is inviting us into its melody

Touched by its purity and its tranquil air
We are moved by the breeze's quiet care
Dancing so freely while  whispering around
The wind is sharing what can't be found

Inside of each moment inside of each day
An array of discoveries is coming our way
If we're willing to listen and willing to look
we'll learn of the things not found in a book.

Friday, November 29, 2013

The rhythm of the universe

As the sun starts to rise up and the morning dew falls
As the wind starts blowing and the morning dove calls
The universe will whisper and the wind will start to sing
The earth will start to dance and give life to everything

All the world will waken up with  the radiance of the sun
And the moon will start retreating until the day is done
Stars that shone so brightly with the coming of the night
Will no longer make an appearance until there isn't light

Creatures of the universe will make ready for their day
And plants and trees and elements will brighten up the way
Everything that's  functioning will move about at will
And nothing will be stationary and  nothing will be still.

Such is the rhythm of the universe:  the mystery of its way
Everything has a mission that will give meaning to the day
Nothing will be without value  and everything will be a light
Everything inside the universe will always tell what's right

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Think of the blessings

Just for today and just for right now
Erase all the negatives someway and somehow
Think of your blessings and think of the care
Think of the providence that gave you fresh air

Think of the sunshine and think of the rain
Think of the beauty that covers the plain
Think of the winter and think of the fall
Think of the seasons how sweetly they call

Think of the rivers and think of the seas
Think of the universe: how ready to please
Think of the flowers and think of the birds
If you're not able I'll find you some words

Think of the daylight and think of the night
Think of the stars and the softer moonlight
Think of the animals:  how many there are
Thinking with gratitude will carry you far.

Think in the morning and find words to say
Be grateful for everything especially today
Resolve in this moment decide here and now
Be ever more grateful and make it a vow..

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Calling for a rebirth

The rains have been falling all over the place
They're moistening and softening the earths outer case
Rhythmic in their motion and soothing to the ear
Showers from the heavens are so awesome to hear.

Flooding the crevices and pounding the earth
The showers are prepping the universe's rebirth
Removing the hardness and softening her core
The earth is now ready: she needs nothing more

Such is the mystery of the universe's ways:
She cleanses her creatures and blesses their days
Like raindrops from the heavens that fall on the earth
The spirits are roaming and calling for a  rebirth.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Just know that you are different

I know that you are feeling like life has knocked you to the ground
And that every where you are looking: another heartache can be found
Just know that you are different than all of the nonsense here and there
You are  a being with a heartbeat and you are radiant with lasting care.

Sometimes the road can become windy and the journey can seem too long
You're looking for some direction and everyone seems to point you wrong
Just hang on to all of that insight that: all that's echoing within your spirit
And know that Eternal won't ever lead you where He, Himself, isn't within it.

You need to look beyond all of those happenings and all of that news
Sometimes the things in  media can make you think that you cannot choose
The facts are all so contrary then what's being so hastily advertised
Do not allow yourself to be pulled in by all those tactics super-sized.

Resolve today to be different than all of the rest of that increasing crowd
Plug your ears to all of that madness and to all of that propaganda so loud
You will find in the depths of silence: all that is missing within that noise
And that is that you are an individual and you will always have your choice.

Monday, November 25, 2013

We can choose to be happy

The morning brings moments that we can ignite
It shines out with radiance with beautiful light
The day is just starting and  it's ours to create
Will we fashion it with wisdom or remnants of hate?

The hours are just waiting for us to jump in
Will they leave now without us or what will happen
So many times there's emptiness that's deep down inside
We can choose to be happy or let the sadness preside

The day is just beginning and it's starting to run
Will we join in its adventures or shy from the fun
We are the only holders of our powers within
We can choose to be  empty or let the festivities begin..

Sunday, November 24, 2013

There's something very magical

It is so simply wonderful on a day just like today
To sit and watch the hours as they start to slip away
I like to hear the whispering inside the passing breeze
And see the tiny fairies as they're lighting up the trees.

There's something very magical about the stillness that's around
We can discover in it the mystical and everything unfound
We can hear the deepest mysteries and can chance upon the new
Isn't is such a blessing what some silent moments can do?

Can you take a moment now and enter into all the bliss
That can come from the embracing of a gentle flower's kiss
And can you search the soundings and the whispering here and there
I'm sure that you'll discover the echoing of the angels everywhere.

I could keep on in all of my rambling and in my poetic spree
And sing to you of the beautiful in everything that I can see
But that would leave me occupied and with no room to explore
So I'm going to end this poem and write in it no more..

Saturday, November 23, 2013

You spoke to me of hardships

You spoke to me of hardships and difficulties that you knew
You told me of disloyalties and the abandonment you went through
You shook your head with disbelief and told me you were afraid
Please know I am understanding you. I know you've been betrayed.

You feel your heart is breaking up and you cannot take anymore
You speak to me of leaving this  but aren't sure whatever for
There are inconsistencies and challenges in your letting go
It's necessary for you to change; and this you already know.

It isn't fair for you to endure all of this mental  battering
You are a person valued and loved. You're not a lifeless thing.
You're deserving of the greatest respect and of the greatest care
And if you are not receiving that: you need to get out of there.

Friday, November 22, 2013

You try to hide them but someone sees

I can see those tears upon your face
Whispering the hurts that won't erase
I hear those sighs those hurtful pleas
You try to hide them but someone sees

It is I who have heard them every day
I have seen you struggling along the way
I have felt the hurts that sank you deep
Caught the teardrops when you would weep.

Why won't you turn to Me: hold my hand?
It is I alone who can understand
Though I can't be seen by mortal eye
I'm always present, always nearby.

Whisper your secrets, whisper with care
Direct your worries with earnest prayer
I am Your Creator I am your air
I have so many things I'd like to share.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

This time you won't have to cry

We have angels ready to help us.. 
If we listen we can hear them

Something in the silence you keep
Tells me of your need to weep
And something in the way you hide
Tells me of the hurts inside
I am here to help you heal
I can prove that I'm for real.

This time you won't have to cry
I'll be right by you: by your side

I have heard them speak of you
Fabricating those things untrue..
And I had known for so  very long
That you've been treated so very wrong
If you are willing:  I will always be
That healing angel that you seek.

This time you won't have to cry
I'll be right by you: by your side

I have watched you every day
Saw the sorrows along your way
I have listened to you  as you cried:
Heard those worries lodged inside
You don't have to walk in shame
I will take it: all that blame.

This time you won't have to cry
I'll be right by you: by your side

The time is here and the time is now
We'll make this turn around somehow
And though you haven't seen much done
This is a new day just look at that sun
Everything old is past and gone
Today is new and we'll carry on:

This time you won't have to cry
I'll be right by you: by your side

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A new day is dawning

The universe is waking see how she is yawning
Beautiful are the colors as a new day is dawning
Quietly the creatures are waking up  November
They leave us with memories we're sure to remember.

How gentle the breezes that whisper the weather
All of the universe is working together
Melodies most moving and artistry so telling
Invite us to ponder the mystical indwelling.

Slowly the moments are turning into hours
Graces fall down on us like mystical showers
Moving into the flow of the daily unknowing
All of become part of the Eternal One's knowing.

Watch as the wisdom of the Uncreated Being
Opens up the beauty  that we're so use to seeing
Colorfully glowing the new day is beginning
Everyone is  eager to see what she's bringing.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Stop blaming everyone

Stop blaming everyone else for where you choose to be
The problem's not your past or the people who you see
If you find you're struggling and cannot move ahead
Take a look inside you and face the truth instead

Sometimes its very easy to be misplacing all the blame
We find some flaw in others and start giving  it a name
Busy with our vision of what we think is wrong
We cannot see the problem:  we choose not to get along

Stop blaming everyone else for where you choose to be
The problem's not your past or the people who you see
If you find you're struggling and cannot move ahead
Take  a look inside you and face the truth instead.

It's always someone else who's creating the misery
We fail to look inside and so we'll never see
That the demons that are taking  all of our happiness
Are no one  but ourselves and our own unwillingness

Stop blaming everyone else for where you choose to be
The problem's not your past or the people who you see
If you find you're struggling and cannot move ahead
Take a look inside you and face the truth instead.

The most wonderful thing of all is when we come to see
That there is a hope to be discovered in all of humanity
It's not always going to be darkness or dismal as can be
We can find true happiness and the truth will set us free.

Stop blaming everyone else for where you choose to be
The problem's not your past or the people who you see
If you find you're struggling and cannot move ahead
Take a look inside you and face the truth instead.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Bring your heartache over here

Bring your heartache over here
Into my silence do draw  near
Let me catch each falling tear
I so love you, you are dear.

I have seen you as you cried
Broken up by those who lied
And though you truly truly tried
All your efforts were denied

Bring your heartache over here
Into my silence do draw near
Let me catch each falling tear
I so love you; you are dear

I have watched each time you fell
And seen those eyes begin to swell
Though your lips would never tell
I always knew that things weren't well.

Bring your heartache over here
Into my silence do draw near
Let me catch each falling tear
I so love you; you are dear

And when the day is going wrong
And every hour seems too long
I will keep your spirit strong
And sing for you this simple song:

Bring your heartache over hear.
Into my silence do draw near
Let me catch each falling tear.
I so love you; you are dear.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Speaking through the breeze

wisdom: the natural ability to understand things

Wisdom is speaking through the breeze as it blows.
She touches every element, her beauty always shows.
All of her uniqueness and her mystery divine
Is shining through the universe like a mystical shrine

Wisdom is inviting us and calling us today:
"Come see what I've hidden for you along the way"
Beneath every appearance and every audible sound,
Wisdom is speaking and waiting to be found.

Wisdom is more valuable then the purest of gold.
She cannot be purchased and she cannot be sold.
Her treasures are given as she attempts to allure
She whispers in the silence. Your thoughts she can stir.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I could sense You in everything

I heard You speaking to me
In everything that I could see
Your voice was echoing
I could sense You in everything

I could hear You over there
in the flower without care
Your voice You chose to share
Inside the created everywhere

And though I failed to see
Your Omnipotent Deity
I was privileged as can be
To breathe in Your Divinity

There were no trumpets to blow
to announce what I should know:
Your Infinitely Eternal Glow
Was sharing it here below.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Gone are the flowers, the butterflies and bees

The leaves are all falling off all of the trees
And Mother Earth is catching each one that she sees
The Autumn is singing out: it's soothing to me
The tones are all somber but mystical as can be

Gone are the flowers,the butterflies and bees.
Hushed are the sounds that are moving with ease
Winter is coming with her beautiful white coat
Bundle up warmly and cover up your throat...

Colorful the memories of the summer now past
They'll carry us serenely; though, chilly winds blast
Autumn is  carrying her deep silence within
She's  quietly preparing us for the winter again.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sometimes we need to back away

Sometimes we need to back away
From all that's happening in the day
Sometimes its best to simply rest
And not always voice our own protest

Its true that things may come about
That make us wonder and even pout
But it's not for us to figure out
It may be helpful to scream and shout

Sometimes we need to back away
From all that's happening in the day
Sometimes its best to simply rest
And not always voice our own protest

There have been times that weren't so good
And people hadn't acted like they should
We would have avoided it  if we could
So many times we were misunderstood

Sometimes we need to back away
From all that's happening in the day
Sometimes its best to simply rest
And not always voice our own protest

There'll be a day when our sun will shine
And troubles won't cling to us like a vine
We'll feel the protection that is so Divine
And all our worries will all decline.

Sometimes we need to back away
From all that's happening in the day
Sometimes its best to simply rest
And not always voice our own protest

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

There is no more need for pretending

There is no more need for pretending, and no more need to lie
Tear off the mask you're wearing: let's be honest you and I
I'm not like the rest of all your friends; there is no more need to "win"
You can be whoever you are wanting to be: true beauty lies within

Somehow we've been brought up believing that this life is but a race
And if we're not out there competing then we're seen as some disgrace?
We're valuing ourselves by accomplishments, measuring ourselves by friends
Can it be possible that our happiness is where  all of this nonsense ends?

We have been programmed by our society by the media and our friends
But, our happiness must be something more than all of the latest trends
So let us  try to take a step or two to consider what's  real or not:
Perhaps we'll discover true happiness is what we haven't been taught.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Quietly watching day and night

Quietly watching: day and night
Hundreds of angels so full of light
Looking here and looking there
Keeping their vigil with earnest care.

Sometimes speaking: sometimes not
Silence is holding  their every thought
Unquestionably faithful to their call
Angels are guarding us: one and all.

Haven't you seen them, heard them sing
Felt them inside the peace they bring
Ever consider them: what they'll do:
All of these angel surrounding you?

If you are listening you might hear
All of these angels as they draw near
Mystically creating their wonderful light:
And working together to keep things right.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Don't you know how precious you are?

Don't you know how precious you are
You're brilliant and brighter than the highest star
Though others may not see it, it's certainly true
You're beautifully radiant and there's only one you.

Sometimes you are feeling: lower than low
You're blinded to your own uniqueness, don't you know
I wouldn't change anything in you that I see
Hold you head up, go forward and proceed gracefully.

If someone says something uncaring, unkind
Don't let it find any lodging inside of your mind
Consider the emptiness of such negativity
Don't let it affect you or stay with you permanently.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tragedy in the Phillipines

I can hear the sound of weeping sweeping over an entire nation
Mother earth is sadly watching her own children's purification
People from every culture from every creed and denomination
Are looking for their loved ones: oh, what sounds of desolation.

I can hear a mother weeping: she is searching through the rubble
Children and a parent looking through their nation's painful trouble
Entire cities are flattened as the sound of silence seems  to double
Even the vegetation and the plants are cut down to a mere stubble.

What a painful sound  of weeping and what a longing for relief
Picking through all the remnants: Filipinos weep on with disbelief
Are there any words sufficient enough to raise up what's beneath
I join in the universe's mourning and wade through all of this grief

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Let those tears fall....

I know that you are hurting and you are grieving deep inside
You're trying to be so courageous. I can see the things you hide
Though you do not show it outwardly, I can hear your every cry
Whenever you are broken, the angels carry your tears up high.

It isn't so very healthy to hold in  those tear-filled streams
It's better to let them out or they'll haunt you in your dreams
Sometimes those tragic moments that keep circling round your head
Are waiting for  their freedoms but you shut them up instead.

I know that you are frightened because of what you have been through
I can see that little child that's keeps on speaking out through you
Won't you let that little one who has been so familiar with hurt and pain
Find its  healing comfort in the soul's most rejuvenating rain?

I'm your friend...

I could hear it in your teardrops as they softly hit the floor
That something had upset you before you came through this door
Your heart was quickly beating and there wasn't a shining smile
Is there something I can do for you? Do you need to talk awhile?

I can never understand it all : all that hurting deep inside
But if you're needing a friend I'm the one who'll  be by your side
I won't make you  promises or start to pretend to be what I'm not
But if you're needing a friend, friendship is something I've surely got.

I know that others have hurt you and made you feel so inadequate
They had promised you  many things but how conveniently they forget
Some there were who had used you for your kindness and generosity
But when you were needing a moment they were so quick to run and flee..

You're  not needing to be someone's hobby: someone's placeholder in time
You're a person with many emotions: an inspiration for beautiful rhyme
You a treasure that can never be purchased, a gem of the rarest kind
If someone cannot treat you with dignity then leave that person behind.

Don't let anyone take you for granted. Let no one fill you with shame.
You are a beautiful person and are most deserving of a good name.
You are a sparkling individual and  a soul with alot of grace
Don't let another person lower you into some dark and dreary place

You are beautiful and so priceless, a treasure of the rarest kind
Don't let anyone ever convince you of anything else inside your mind
You are not needing a friend who will use you or be abusive to you
You're needing someone who'll be there to help you see what's  true.

Friday, November 8, 2013

What we're all really needing..

There are things that we don't understand:  things that take too long
We struggle through some  nonsense and then write about it in song
Why do we have to behave like we don't even want to understand:
That love alone is the best remedy for this vast and troubled land.

What we are all really needing is not some huge bank account; 
Or the ability to place some flag upon a great and towering mount
What we're all really needing: what this world so desperately needs
Is that everyone would get along and be more liberal with good deeds

Too many times we have slacked off with the doing of what is right
Because we had listened to the others who  claimed to have the light
We have become a different people and even closed our eyes in greed
Preferring our own selfish glorification  to the tending of other's needs.

What we are all really needing is not some huge bank account; 
Or the ability to place some flag upon a great and towering mount
What we're all really needing: what this world so desperately needs
Is that everyone would get along and be more liberal with good deeds

So take some time this morning or in the evening when all is still
And consider all of your motives and what's influencing your will
Is it something very noble, something that would make the heavens smile;
Or it something very shameful that would make the angels weep awhile?

What we are all really needing is not some huge bank account; 
Or the ability to place some flag upon a great and towering mount
What we're all really needing: what this world so desperately needs
Is that everyone would get along and be more liberal with good deeds

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Don't lie to me anymore

Sometimes I am thinking that you're seeing me as one who's not knowing
You feel I'm inadequate and incapable of sensing what you're not showing
But the truth is much more the opposite from all that you've been thinking
Just watch me as I unmask you and watch every one of your plans sinking.

Don't tell me that you're with me while you are backstabbing me.
Don't tell me, you love me, while you are full of insincerity.
Because I'm seeing right through you, into the depths of your core.
Don't tell me any more stories and don't lie to me anymore.

There are some who are so skilled in and so practiced in deception
They wallow around in the darkness of the evil ones protection
But all who are in the light and are the most committed to the Spirit
Won't fall like those  minions  swimming around in  the evil ones pit

Don't tell me that you're with me while you are backstabbing me.
Don't tell me, you love me, while you are full of insincerity.
Because I'm seeing right through you, into the depths of your core.
Don't tell me any more stories and don't lie to me anymore.

Without you, where would I be?

for that person who has done all this for me

Without you, where would I be, what would I do, how could I be? 
You came into my life: like a star in my sky and helped me to see
You're my closest, kindest friend, someone upon whom I can depend
I know we will always be the truest of friends until the very end.

You came when I was weeping, when the world had all turned gray
When my eyes were puffed and swollen from the happenings of that day
With your words you calmed my spirit and with your presence let me know
That no more days would ever greet me with the return of such a show.

Without you, where would I be, what would I do, how could I be? 
You came into my life: like a star in my sky and helped me to see
You're my closest, kindest friend, someone upon whom I can depend
I know we will always be the truest of friends until the very end.

Patiently you would lead me through the past hurts and the pain
And whenever I was being triggered guided me away from that again
Knowing of my painful history, my traumas and of my dreadful hurt
You walked in with feathered slippers, helped me find my own self worth.

Without you, where would I be, what would I do, how could I be? 
You came into my life: like a star in my sky and helped me to see
You're my closest, kindest friend, someone upon whom I can depend
I know we will always be the truest of friends until the very end.

So don't be too alarmed if I am writing for you this poetic phrase
That sings to you my gratitude for your dedication and gift of days
There aren't too many people like you in this enormous world of ours
You are truly one in a million and you  outshine the brightest stars

Without you, where would I be, what would I do, how could I be? 
You came into my life: like a star in my sky and helped me to see
You're my closest, kindest friend, someone upon whom I can depend
I know we will always be the truest of friends until the very end.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Even after the darkest night

Sometimes the storms are many and the sunny days are few
You look around for daylight and the darkness follows you
It's a time of difficulties and a time of constant pain
But this will soon be passing, you'll feel better once again

With the changing seasons, the universe needs to adjust
Leaves are falling freely and the flowers become dust
Though it seems so dismal and everything's on the ground
The buried seed's forgotten, when plants are all around

Life seems to have its pattern of falling and of rising
Sometimes we think it's ending but hope is so  surprising
There is nothing that is hidden that won't come into the light
The dawn will always rise up: even after the darkest night.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Should we worry, should we care?

Shivering children watched the sky
As the war planes passed them by
"Peace on earth: no more",  they cried
"It could have happened if we tried"

Streets are streaming with a fog
Dust is settling, gruesome smog
Words explain this on some blog
It's the opening of a prologue.

Broken buildings shattered doors
Remnants of glass covering floors
Homeless people out in scores
Does it move this heart of yours?

"This is happening over there:
Should we worry, should we care?
This isn't really our affair?"
All our soldiers are over there...

Returning home with tears and scars
Service people, kin of ours
Hailed as heros and as stars
In their memories:  ruins and chars

Saturday, November 2, 2013

What nature allows

Only an artist would have leaves all around
To color and cover earth's shivering ground
And only the poet could find them ornate
And savor the sounds they tend to create

The autumn, with mystery is beautiful to see
Yet we try to erase it with all of our machinery
Reducing the outside to  "shaven and clean"
Where is the beauty if nature's unseen?

Who set the rules to what it is so clean
Who created the outline, what does this mean?
Should we be removing what nature allows
By raking and mowing and running of plows?

The signs were there but we refused to see them..

The signs were there but we refused to see them
The earth would quake but we would pay no heed
The nations were seeing the surge of many waters
How many more warnings of nature do we really need?

The earth is crying out because of the unrestrained violence
Competitions and the un-compromise is making her so tense
Sometimes she shivers and this is is the start of all her tremors
Is anyone noticing or heeding these direct messages of hers?

The signs were there but we refused to see them
The earth would quake but we would pay no heed
The nations were seeing the surge of many waters
How many more warnings of nature do we really need?

We live in a world that would have us all up there with the highest
Walking side by side in peace is considered way too unbiased
To tear apart and eliminate every single dreadful enemy
Seems to be the form of handling that we have learned to see..

The signs were there but we refused to see them
The earth would quake but we would pay no heed
The nations were seeing the surge of many waters
How many more warnings of nature do we really need?

Will we ourselves be the cause of our  own dissolution
it's not the world outside that is needing a revolution
If we would find happiness and the life that we really need
Each person and every nation will need to lose their greed

The signs were there but we refused to see them
The earth would quake but we would pay no heed
The nations were seeing the surge of many waters
How many more warnings of nature do we really need?

Friday, November 1, 2013

The right way

I have no fear with Jesus near
His words and ways are mine
His Spirit moves my heart to hear
The wisdom of Love Divine.

Sometimes the demons, they frighten me
For they attack me night and day
But, I  call upon my Jesus constantly
And He sends some angels my way

It's not for fame or worldly praise
That I write some words each day
But rather to allow the Maker of days
To express through me His way.

If you are trembling and full of fear
And not knowing which way to go
Call upon the Almighty One most dear
And the path for you He'll show.