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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Technology and me

With my mind, I can glide across the atmosphere and across that calming sea

And with the help of connected networks  I can also easily be

Immersed inside some worlds that my lifestyle cannot afford

I can sit inside some forest and  swim across the ocean floor

I can be watching the maturing osprey fledge and take their flight

Or sit inside some brambles and watch  the dawning morning's light

I can sail across some ocean and visit lands so far away

With  help of modern technology I can escape craziness in the day.

The beautifulness of every sunrise and the loveliness of the night

Can be mine without the elements and with a crispness that's so bright

I can touch the spewing lavas pouring out from a volcano afar

And gaze upon the constellations and watch a newborn star

So technology isn't so bad when we are thinking of it this way

It can bring us so much closer and bring calmness to our day

It's a product of our own intelligence and with it we can see

Things,that have been so hidden, but now clear as clear can be

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Moving forward

What's important is moving forward

Chose a goal you're working toward

Trusting angels;  trusting God

Let them show you where to trod

Brokenness is not an ending

But a path where HE's  extending 

Through your moments and your friends

Joys and happiness without an end

Life has changes; keep on waiting

For that time that's resonating

With a peaceful calm sincere

Then embrace it: God is here

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Seasonal mix

The winds of the winter have visited again

Though Spring time is present and ready to begin

The chilliness and coldness have come with their touch

They soon will be leaving; I can promise, this much

Too cold to be planting; so we must all wait

With eager young plantlets as we all navigate

The moments of nature that challenge us all

To rest for awhile for such time is so small

We'll listen and watch for the change in the breeze

That tells us it's safe now and nothing will freeze

The sowing transplanting will soon start again

The wonders of nature have such stories to spin

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Morning splash

I look across the yard and see

So much  beautifulness looking back at me

The trickling sunlight through the trees

And grass that's greening with delicacies..

I hear around me so much  noise

Distant traffic and mother nature's voice

Both are sounding but one rings clear

With the voice of God for all to hear

I feel God's sweetness: so divine

In the wind and  passing time

Whispering moments...seconds too

In the elments: "I love you" 

See the growing plants?..They sing,

Of God's great providence over everything

Giving life and breath to all

God keeps inviting us: hear Him call?

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Not just today, but in every day

Will I write about  our Jesus rising, 

or about His conquering of death and sin

Or should I speak about  Him  already risen 

and of strengthening my bond within

Today is not just about a one time happening 

or  about something we recall just once a year

But hopefully it is  about  a recommittment 

and a deepening of what we hold most dear

For Jesus, our Savior is Risen, not just today but in  every day

He's won for us our salvation and we can choose to live this in every way

Easter  is not just about the past suffering or the cross all baren its true

But about the depth of a Father who loves us and

 how He chose to  show this to me and to you

So  rejoice with all of the Easter bunnies 

and with all of the gatherings too

But remember forever in each moment 

this Easter moment can keep happening in you

It's not just about the select season or holiday 

but about an action that continues to be

If we  are truly the people of Easter Sunday 

every day. after, others will see

For Jesus, our Savior is Risen, not just today but in  every day

He's won for us our salvation and we can choose to live this in every way

Easter  is not just about the past suffering or the cross all baren its true

But about the depth of a Father who loves us and

 how He chose to  show this to me and to you

Happy Easter happy Holidays and happy moments .. 

today we're rising to  celebrate

But let's resolve in our moments of silence 

to give this holiday no expiration date

So that the day after the official recalling..Easter 

doesn't lose   momentum or even die

But we will continue on in all of this excitment 

for we believe in what this holiday signifies

For Jesus, our Savior is Risen, not just today but in  every day

He's won for us our salvation and we can choose to live this in every way

Easter  is not just about the past suffering or the cross all baren its true

But about the depth of a Father who loves us and

 how He chose to  show this to me and to you

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Go with Jesus, to Calvary

The Creator. of the world; all dressed in our earthly frame

Stood before a taunting crowd. and willingly took blame

For all the crimes committed and for all the ugly sin

He bore the spittal the shame and all the anguish deep within

We see this. beloved Savior; so digraced and full of pain

From the crown  of His Sweet Head to His feet, bloodied and stained

With blood, all pouring out;  from wounds too many to count

There wasn't a part of His Body, that didn't silently throb and shout

He was slammed upon the cross; while  forceful hammers fell

And broke open His hands and feet with unforgiving nails.

Uplifted and dropped again,  so  the cross could rightly stand

Jesus the Savior of all...had become a broken, beaten up, man

Ridiculed and mocked by so many; Jesus raised His trembling voice

And begged the Father to forgive  them for  creating such a noise

He didn't seek a vengeful firestorm or floods of wrath to cover  all

But rather a tender understainding of what made these mortals fall

The story of our Saviors suffering and death comes up once a year

But it is relived in every moment that we choose sinfulness over here

It isn't about  taking somes actual nails or whipping our Lord again 

But of mercilessly ripping off the bandage by letting the devil  live within

Monday, April 11, 2022

Jesus' walk to Calvary

Not despising all His Glory Jesus walked to His Own death

Having powers far beyond Him; He could have escaped that final breath

But He embraced it, His own condemantion by the peoples He would save

See Him walking: the Lamb unsullied; Jesus, Savior accepted the grave

Crowds are shouting, who once had praised Him:  "Crucify Him" loud and clear

Spitting, cursing and ridiculing: mobs increased their awful cheer

Ahead, the road,  to His death, most awful; had its callenges we could see

Added suffering and humiliation, accompanied Jesus to Calvary

The terrible moment, that awful moment, when Jesus was laid upon the tree;

Flesh was tearing, blood was pouring; and we heard Him cry out  in  agony

Big, blunt, iron steaks, pierced Him roughly; then they lifted Him from the ground

The tree, now, serving: as executioner; increased its difficulties all around

Those, who loved Him. more than anyone; helplessly, watched Him sigh and heave

Mother Mary and John the Apostle; kept on waiting beneath that treacherous tree

"Father, forgive them"; "Here is your mother"; and "in the Heavens you'll join ME"

Preceeded final moments, of being thirsty; and, that surrender,  to what would be

Soon,  the world was steeped in darkness, that comes from having nothing more

Than, that empty feeling, of having lost Jesus; for choosing evil, over Heaven's door

Lowering slowly His Lifeless Body...all  the remaining disciples reluctantly

Layed Him gently, on the lap of Mary, who once had coddled Him so maternally

The sorrowful Mother and grieving disciples remained inside a pressing crowd

Who seemed to cheer out in celebration with cries of victroy gross and loud

Once they cleared out, all those masses the faithful took Him to the grave

Washed Him wrapped Him layed Him, sadly, into a tomb they procurred that day

So it,ended, as it had started: with piercing pains within their hearts

Jesus, lifeless, inside a sepulcher;  no one wishing to leave Him or depart

All would depart there depsite their loving Him not aware of God's Good Plan

The story was ended but a new one started Of Jesus, Savior, God made man

Friday, April 8, 2022

All around us, we can see

Beautiful beams of morning light

Dance across the trees in sight

And the glowing of dawn  we see

Is like a radiant trapestry

So much loveliness all around

So much beauty to be found

The air of morning coming in

Calls us forward: let's begin

Touch the streams of whispering wind

Hear its symphony deep within

Let the uniqueness of this day

Be incentive to pause and pray

We are all of us truly blessed

God's greatness is manifest

In everything we hear and see

And in all that will come to be

We have only to look and see

We're  surrounded by mystery

The breath and life that's  ours

Comes from the Creator of the stars

Be grateful..

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Before all the noise starts

Before all the noise starts, before morning begins

Open up all the windows: let it all in

The sounds of the universe just coming alive

When the songs of the creatures and plantlets unite

We can hear them the sparrows the songbirds and all

Greeting the daylight as its's starting to crawl

The breezes and the wind streams are carrying a tune

To each individual who will prepare them a room

Do you have, it,  inside of you:  the stamina to see...

What isn't being portrayed on the internet and tv:

The beauty, the loveliness, the uncorrupted view

of everything that's saying how much God's loving you?

If so you will silence it all that noisy noise

It's keeping you from hearing that Universal  Voice

Just for a few moments ..for a few seconds of your day

Let your spirit explore It  the pure Infinite  Way

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Meant to mesh, and not collide

There's a whispering in the breeze 

The sweetest  music inside the treees

THere's a loveliness, all around

Just waiting for us in its sound

All the earth was created, so good

It will bless us as it should

But we must also do our part

And not break each other's heart

See, all the world, that you can see

It's so harmonious as can be

Only we can take this, away

By all that we do and all that we say

Each person is so, so unique

In our visions; and how we speak

No two,of us,  are just alike

We're meant to mesh and not collide

If you will sit and think alone

You wil put away that mighty throne

And start to walk beside

Every person without your pride

We are all a part of the all

Completing each other is our call

Not trying to be the best

By tearing down all the rest

If you have something more to say

Please, do so, in supportive way

It is too much. for us, to navigate 

When we're all harboring inner hate

Love is the only thing we need

All this warring, needs to cease

If we would restore ourselves, again

We must start all over let's re-begin

Monday, April 4, 2022

The time before the day starts

Let the early,  morning silence, permeate your sleepy, waking heart

Listen deeply, within your soul space; hear the dawn for she will start

All the creatures; trees; and elements; will unite in their own way

Welcoming morning, in a symphony: listening hearts, will want to stay

Silence everything, all noise around you, for a momentary pause or two

Hear the secrets, 0f all the universe; they will be speaking out to you

Not with words, of passing mortals; or the noisiness, of measured sound

Will the treasure, of all the world; be manifested, or even found

Set aside the buzzing cell phone; and do not let the tv's, blaring sound

Interrupt, this time allotted; or take away from you, what you have found

It is the time, before all moments, and a mysteriousness that can begin

With the start of every morning, initiating a creativeness deep within

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Nobody is perfect

Oh, nobody is perfect, we all have our flaws

Yet, some stand there pointing without any cause

Because deep down inside us; in everyone it's true

There's rooom for perfecting: so much, yet, to do

So stop all of your boasting like  you've already arrived

At the throne of God's kingdom completely purified

You know who you are...because , you make it your aim

To point out every person who's imperfect, by name

The other day I heard it through the grapevine, it's true

How perfection is measured when it comes down to you

It isn't all glorious the way that you believe

Perfection is measured by some employment or degree?

So stop all of your boasting like  you've already arrived

At the throne of God's kingdom completely purified

You know who you are ..because you make it your aim

To point out every person who's imperfect, by name

Oh look at your heart now and see how you have known

You have been like a judge over every  life but your own

Somehow you are thinking that the church pew will arise

And claime you are all  perfect but this is all lies!

So stop all of your boasting like  you've already arrived

At the throne of God's kingdom completely purified

You know who you are ..because you make it your aim

To point out every person who's imperfect, by name

There is only one way to fix this one way it's  true

Drop down and admit it you're imperfect ..yes you

And stop all of that judgment; thinking you're right

To decide who is worthy and who isn't so bright

So stop all of your boasting like  you've already arrived

At the throne of God's kingdom completely purified

You know who you are ..because you make it your aim

To point out every person who's imperfect, by name

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Songs of the Spring time

The morning sings her song today

The Spring is here with her display

Of flowers budding upon the trees

And fragrant smells inside the breeze

The nests are, all,  filling up again

With signs of new life that will begin

Rabbits are nibbling along they way

And storm clouds are gathering  on many a day

The grass is greener and leaves appear

While colorful plants bloom far and near

Life  is more vibrant  and winter is gone

Songs of the springtime awaken the dawn

Write down some thoughts now just for today

And hum them all out along the way

See what is present on earth's display

There is so much beauty in God's great array..