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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ukrainian tragedy

Brothers, sisters, what are we doing

Watching as   Russians keep  pursuing

A land and  nation that's  not their own

Who will stop this crime ..full blown 

Mothers, fathers, little children

Fleeing from a monstrous villain

Tanks and weapons ...Putinized

Homeless massess terrorized

Why such sanctions so uneffective

Actions taken are too defective

Justice found in  lack of care?

No hand to help those in dispair?

Can we feel it: imagine deeply?

How the Ukranians feel.completely?

Underarmed and so outmanned

Is there hope when feeling damned..

Let us speak up : raise our voices

Stand and condemn the warring noises

Who will help them:  dear Ukraine

We are with you ..  feel your pain

Friday, February 25, 2022

Tears for Ukraine

Smoke is rising  from the land

A body lies with outstretched hand

Motionless in his sealed fate

An unknown soldier saved too late

Flames of fury,..flames of hate

Rise from the missles ..and saturate

Every place they want to take

Russian soldiers desecrate

Unfair warring.. unfair time

Set about by this Russian crime

Invading lands without an end

Who will stop this evil trend

Putin's pondering in his greed

How he'll move and how succeed

No one's stopping him... he will go

Until the mighty stop this show

Will we watch and will we see

An echo from the last century

Where brutal murders and leveled land

See citizens leave with life unplanned

Friday, February 4, 2022

Sounds like rain

Rain is falling: slow and straight

Touching everthing in its space

Pittering..pattering..falling down

Soothing... sharing ...rythmic sound


Leaves are singing with each drop:

"Keep on not .. stop"

Such great feelings .soulfully dear

Hear them they cheer?

Open up carefully ...try to  receive

Every message that is set free

From the universe...from her cares

Rain is whispering; how she shares

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

God created all the colors

God loves every color:  just look out the door

There are beautiful colors across earthen floor

Stretching out nobly across sky and the trees

God has blessed all the universe with nice things to see

Everything is so created for you and for me

Exquisitely created with its own..individuality

Nothing's a copy; though, some may look the same

Our Father's an artist; who doesn't look for fame

We are all of us, related, though some may not believe

God loves us all dearly and each day we will receive

His blessings and graces..quite enough for each day

Let's not disappoint Him, with what we do or say

Look out towards every person; like our Father above

Seeing in each person someone worthy of  our love

Not skipping across colors... but giving to one and all

The same divine lovingness which from the Heavens fall