Let the soothing sound of rain drops soak into your mind
Every pitter-pattering droplet help you to unwind
Like an ointment for a wound and a salve for every sore
These showers from the Heavens can heal your heart so torn
O see them on the plantlets these dew drops so pristine
They are sparkling like some diamonds on a wedding ring
They remind of our Life Source and are so ready with His Care
Oh see the countless grass blades with their dew drops everywhere?
Oh stop awhile to listen and pause to hear each day
The morning has its melodies and the evening has its sway
We have, only, to take some moments..not too many at all
To hear the whispering secrets that from the Heavens fall
Will you take the time to hear it and open your eyes to see
The beautifulness all around you ...its out there and so free
No need for any traveling or for booking any flights
The Masterpiece before you is here for your delight