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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Something's amiss

 I lift up my voice for every woman and man

Who just lost their job with a stroke of a pen

The great enormous masses, who will lie down tonight

Don't know  if they'll make it; this just isn't right

And we are Americans, the great USA 

What's happening to our freedoms: who took them away?

Fences are being built up while  workers cry out

Is there anyone who can tell me: what is this all about?

Hundreds of  thousands are now being laid off;

While borders are opened up for those seeking a job?

We can't feed our own peoples; but we let everyone in?

Something certainly is happening: and the devil's within

And we are Americans, the great USA 

What's happening to our freedoms: who took them away

Fences are being built up while  workers cry out

Is there anyone who can tell me: what is this all about?

Slanderous accusations of peoples we'll see

While nonconforming attitudes will never be free

A takeover of platforms will censure us all

Gone are the days when we weren't feeling small

And we are Americans, the great USA 

What's happening to our freedoms: who took them away?

Fences are being built up while  workers cry out

Is there anyone who can tell me: what is this all about?

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

We're all still Americans

 Senators, congress people, Presidents too

I have a small challenge I'm holding out to you

Put aside the politics and things that divide

Join yourselves together so we all can unite

We're all still Americans deep down inside

Our hearts and our souls are needing to unite

Restore once again what we came over here for

Freedom and liberty and so much much more

The headlines and media would have us to think

We're all too divided for this American dream

Let's shrug off the fake-ness they're wanting us to wear

Together we can build back and start to repair

We're all still Americans deep down inside

Our hearts and our souls are needing to unite

Restore once again what we came over here for

Freedom and liberty and so much much more

Mistakes have been happening on the leftside and right

No party is superior if you look deep down inside

We're  running like maniacs who are seeking revenge

Lets kneel down and ask God for healing again

We're all still Americans deep down inside

Our hearts and our souls are needing to unite

Restore once again what we came over here for

Freedom and liberty and so much much more

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Guard what you say

 Oh, what is this anger that's riding the breeze

It's destroying any form of objection it sees

Oh we are all so united as long as it's our side

Every signature that's landing is creating a divide

Oh, you'll never believe this, this news my dear friend

This terrible injustice that's starting to trend

It's uglier than ugly: these  things that we see

There's a mad rush to destroy it: the right to be me

Our twitters and tweets are now censored away

You can tweet on your twitter; but, don't rise up and say

You disagree with the policies, the procedures right now

If you're wanting your twitter be submissive somehow?

There's something chinetic in this political sound

That's oozing from the media and bouncing around

If you sway to the right and you run from the left

You'll be dropped from your platform, your future upset

So what is the solution the answer for today

Keep watching and listening and guard what you say

You'll see so much more than you're wanting to see

So hold tight to your faith and pray for unity

Monday, January 25, 2021

If only we could see

 Close your eyes for just a single moment

Soak in everything, that is so calm and silent

Hear the voices of all the many angelic voices

They are speaking to you of your many many choices

Can you see it, everything that is inside the unseen-ness

Waiting for you to ponder it and  all of its uniqueness

Not with the eyes you use to see this passing world

Can you see the secrets of your heart being unfurled

We are restless wanderers in this world of running

Trying to gather something valuable but end up with nothing

Oh if we could only see wherein lies the truest treasures

We wouldn't be measuring everything like the world measures

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Let's not forget who we are

 Let us not forget, that,  we are all, just,  

one, big, enormous, earthly family"

Human kind created, equally. 

by the eternal and everlasting immortal Trinity

We were never meant to bash each other down 

with words of hatred or of malicious deeds

But, rather, we were meant to become partakers 

in the fulfillment of each others needs

I cannot believe it, that we have, all,  come so far, 

only, to break each other, all apart

It seems unreal that, we have, all, forgotten the calling 

that is so deep inside our heart

Why can we not see, that, we were all created 

in the image and the likeness of our Ever Loving God

Why can we not distance ourselves from the downward spiraling trend 

of today's destructive thought

Let us, all,  push forward and exhaust ourselves 

in the pursuit of the healing of this land of ours

We have, all,  become like fizzled out lanterns 

or like streaks of smoke behind the  fallen stars

It's not too late, to turn this all around,

 and change the temperature that's rising around us all today

The fiery pit may be boiling over

 but, we can choose, whether we will enter in or keep ourselves  far away

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Peace for us all

 All that I am wanting is for peace for us all 

For the rich ones, the poor ones, the great and the small

For  Democrats and Republicans, and Independents too

I'm hoping for this miracle, I hope it'll come true

For too long we've been fighting and pushing a cause

That doesn't unite us: but, magnifies flaws

How long will we do this and create such a scene 

The world keeps on watching;  do you know what I mean?

If We are this  country that's divided in two

What forces can't conquer us; destroy me and you?

We must try to fix this and bring liberty

To all who are living here:  this land of the free

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

What are you running from

 You raised up all my hopes only to dash them to the ground 

It would have  been much better had you never come around

My heart  has been ripped up completely and am feeling alone again

Please help me dearest Angels.. with this sorrow deep within

You arranged it all quickly.. but it was only for a day

You acted like it was all natural but it disappeared away

The memories of the old days started dancing inside my mind

And I found myself recreating that  family  I wished was   mine

How long will you keep on ignoring the ones that you should love

Is it really  our own reality that you keep on running from?

If we keep on with our pretending  perhaps there'll be no past

Is this what is really happening.. you're afraid the lying cannot last

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Welcome to our new President.

 Welcome to our new President, may God be with you these four years

May His Spirit be your Counselor: and vanquish  your doubt or fears

With the office will come the grace you need; you  have only to ask and pray

God will become your Enlightenment as long as you walk in His Way

I pray for you and your family. for your cabinet and your staff

May you always find the strength you need when political parties clash

So much will be thrust upon you now and you're going to feel the weight

Of accepting the honored position of the President of the United States

Take heed not to push your power long and be ready to walk beside

The poorest man, d the forgotten ones and those with the greatest pride

For the greatest man or woman now will be the one with the title or not

Who reaches out to every citizen despite their baggage or lot

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Oh, let there be peace, in the good ole USA

 Oh, let there peace in the  good ole USA

For fighting and warring  have long had their way

This divisiveness and hating and violence galore

Is not what are freedoms were ever meant for

So put down your shouting your flags of unrest

Be peacefully respectful as you gather to protest

It's never been fruitful when the violence erupts

Destruction is ugly; there's been too much of this stuff

Our  President has been elected so let us agree

It's time to move on in this land of the free

Our actions are inviting the others to see

America the Beautiful isn't all   it can be??

It's okay, not agreeing, but, don't promote hate

We're still in a country that allows good debate

But destruction of property and ignoring the law

Is creating an energy that'll be hard to withdraw

So peace to all people, from east unto the west

For Democrats and Republicans and all of the rest

We must keep on living in this land of the free

Put away all the ugliness, that we weren't meant to be

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Nothing else matters

 Nothing else maters  in the very end 

Where we are now or where we have been

Will only be vehicles that helped you and me

To become living participants in our own destiny

For inside  each human heart and in every soul

Is written most deeply a most certain goal

We journey there daily and  try to succeed

To bringing it into fruition:  God's holy seed

Though we differ from others in so many ways

We're  sharing this universe and sharing our days

With the most perfect strangers or people we know

We alone are  responsible for all we will sow

Are we the uniters  or do we divide

Do words come out of us that hurt us inside??

What actions will linger when finally we stand

Before God The Almighty who gave us our hand 

No questions will popup all will be clear

For other's opinions won't find open ear

For in the forever pre-selection determining event

Our actions alone will tell where our Eternity's spent

Monday, January 4, 2021

Time..well spent

 Before the morning comes to be

Angel spirits are whispering to me :

Approach each day like something new

So much beauty is waiting for you

Like gentle touches from some pen

They write their music deep within

And every angel... good and kind

Speaks   their messages to my mind

And when I rouse..and am ready to rise

They help me see with angelic eyes

Not with thoughts that rant or rage

But with a verse from Heaven's  page

They take my hands..they lead the way

And sing their songs throughout the day

Not like some melody I've  heard before

But like an ointment that can restore

It may seem strange that I should write

Of beings that escape all human sight

But they want our attention and love us much

And leave us longing for Heaven's touch

So seek them out with heart and mind

In silent moments that will unwind

In morning's birth or night's descent

You won't be's time well spent

Saturday, January 2, 2021

A break from routine...

 Early morning calling out; but, I continue in my  sleep

Let the worries of the day hold on ..and let the angels keep

Everything that's meant to be for just a little longer

Sleep has come to rescue me and I'm getting a little stronger..

I hear the beeping of my phone and the rustling of my cats

I know that I must be getting up .. there's no escaping that

But..  I thank the God.. above for... all and for such a beautiful night

And welcome with my angels guides .. the early morning light...

Don't be afraid to change your plans and put a halt to all

Allow yourself to break routine and silence text and call

Sometimes, you're needing .. something more ..something totally new

So let the sands of time .. back up. .and sleep in an  hour or two.....