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Friday, September 25, 2020

Calms the heart and lessens pain

 Oh the soothingness of the rain

It calms the heart and lessens pain

Falling gently, it'll lift us up

Like a herbal in a cup...

Softly whispering... that God is here

Drop by drop the atmosphere

Holds the greatness of the Great

Sending showers..but not too late..

Like the rythm of God's heart

Pitter pattering gives a start

To our healing of our hurt

How He loves us  ...proves our worth

Listen briefly or at length

God is whispering showing strength

Rain is falling rain is grace

For every person ..every place

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Stop it..

 Stop hitting my brother..just because he is black

It's never okay, to be acting like that

Choking and squeezing and denying him air

Where in this world are such actions found fair?

Stop mocking my sister... she isn't your toy

You curse her and use her and ruthlessly employ

Your cunning-ness, and evilness and ruthless white power

To strain from her willingness your empire and dollar

Stop labeling them, everyone .. who is differing from you:

Like are so perfect and can discern what is true???

You mount up your riches and  climb up your throne

If only, you could see them..the miseries you've sown

Stop seeking out followers, to spread out your hate

This rampage of prejudice  is way out of date

The time glass is emptying and the angels await

I see them, they're coming, with judgment and fate

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Return again...

 Oh, writing soul, take up your pen

Write songs of love from deep within

Open up your soul stream and share it all

Return again to your inner call

Oh, singing heart, let's hear you sing

Open up your voice and let it ring

The world is waiting and you are too

Return again to what's part of you

Oh teaching soul speak out again 

To yearning hearts eager within

Share out your wisdom and your all

Return to teach them great and small

Oh spiritual giant shine out your light

Our hungry world has lost it sight

We need your words we need your care

Return to share it everywhere..

Oh ailing world wounded deep

Seek out your God who longs to keep

Our hearts our minds our very souls

Return to Him ..He'll hold you close