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Sunday, May 31, 2020

When we stand in that Brightest Light

Whenever, that big day does come and we stand in that Brightest Light
We will see, everything, as God can see..what is wrong and what is right
We will  know as we are known by that All Knowing, Everlasting One
And be challenged and congratulated for everything we have or we have done

Yes, then, we won't have to boast or brag; or even toot "our own horns" at all
For, then,  we will see as God can see: all of our actions ..great or small
The pool of the public opinion or praise won't carry any weight up there
For everything others have ever said of us will disappear like dissipating air

We won't have to be proving ourselves at all for all of that will have been done
And it won't matter if the world is hating us... for they hated God's Only Son
We will be found in the brightness of His grace and return to Him Who is our All
So let us be alert and ready dear friends for we don't know the hour He'll call..

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Hear us singing

Early morning songs arise
Birds are sounding..beautiful cries
Welcoming dawn and break of day
Creatures run and creatures play

Rain is falling soft and sweet:
Oh the beautifulness of this ..treat...
Like the soothing sound of water falls
Pitter pattering raindrops call

Darkness lingers in subtler gray
Cloudiness has so much to say
See the waters from  high above
Descending down, like drops of love

Hear those droplets: how they sing
Of God's life and everything
Calling out to all who'll hear
"Hear us your ear?"

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Yet you ignore me

Have you, really, truly forgotten me
Tossed me aside like some casualty
Looking away so that you might not see
That something in you is part of me???

Have you truly decided to abandon me
Joined the ranks of those who will not see
That the story I'm living is your story too
Yet you go on ignoring me .. the way you do...

So I've learned to live like one alone
Having a family but not my own
Blushing because I cannot boast
Of reunions and birthdays and new year's toast

Monday, May 11, 2020


The  sounds, of the birds awakening, are permeating the air
Plants, in all their beauty, can be seen, almost everywhere
The atmosphere is, so vibrant and the day light shares its glow
Golden beams of sunlight are shining out with   overflow

Oh to touch this mystery, of another breaking day
To take in all its beauty and to hear all it has to say
It's a gift so freely given and yet so many refuse to take
The essence of  this message is a simple attempt to awake

I have heard it in the morning ...the whispers of the fertile ground
Speaking to everyone around it, the secrets it has freely found
But, so few there are to hear it..and so few to appreciate
Come now listen to it  awhile..and allow your heart to meditate..

Oh to touch this mystery, of another breaking day
To take in all its beauty and to hear all it has to say
It's a gift so freely given and yet so many refuse to take
The essence of  this message is a simple attempt to awake

The birds,the bees, and the flowers...the squirrels who romp around
Have found it, this secret happiness, its free and easily found
Why can we not try to find it .and have it: that inner joy
We can see it in all of creation... its an eternity life can't destroy

Oh to touch this mystery, of another breaking day
To take in all its beauty and to hear all it has to say
It's a gift so freely given and yet so many refuse to take
The essence of  this message is a simple attempt to awake

I wish you could understand it...this message I am trying to share
Life is so full of everything and you are needing to be more aware
That, happiness, is not in "the having" but in living of life day by day
It's not in the  taking  to yourself selfishly but in giving your life away

Oh to touch this mystery, of another breaking day
To take in all its beauty and to hear all it has to say
It's a gift so freely given and yet so many refuse to take
The essence of  this message is a simple attempt to awake

Friday, May 8, 2020

I Love You

The morning opens up with song..
Birds are singing, all day long
Moments pass and hours too
One big evolving: "I Love You"

In the skies: so blue and kind,
Clouds emerge:  all kinds we find
Grey ones; white ones; fluffy too:
Again, another, "I Love You"..

Grass is greening and flowers show
A beautifulness, is  in overflow
Sweetness; brightness; colors too:
Can't you hear them:  "I Love You"

And when the nights are peaking through
A bright big moon, appears: it's true
Yellow, white or reddish too
God keeps saying "I Love You"

Every day and in every hour
Through the heat or cooling shower:
God, Almighty, is heard, it's true
Constantly says it:  "I Love You"

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Perhaps, our good God is allowing this  to bring everyone closer...this pandemic...Are we  getting closer to each other.. or becoming more and more self centered?


Time has been passing.. but, I am still here
So much has been happening since the start of this year.
The virus has been spreading and we continue to strive:
Struggling but is good to be alive

The sparrows keep singing though, tear drops will fall
Time has seen endings and brought  the hard call
The pandemic, of the century, has caught us off guard
And now we are saying this trial is too hard..

Despite all the heartache and the isolations too
Beautiful things keep happening; we see them: its true
Selflessnes and heroics and  some people who care
Come out like great warriors. who carry love everywhere

Perhaps we are all learning and are given this time
To ponder and grasp them:  these lessons assigned
In this plethora of moments that seem  to overwhelm
We find ourselves more connected to the spiritual realm