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Monday, February 29, 2016

You are so precious, you are so dear....

Give me your moments and give me your time
Let me unite them in words of a rhyme
Tell me your heartaches and tell me your joys
I will release them in creative voice

You are so precious and you are so dear
Everything about you I'm wanting to hear
You're not unimportant I see: you're there
Whatever your needing, just know that I care...

Show me your projects and show me your hurts
Whatever's bothering you and whatever the curse
Take out the old stuff and  lay it right here
I'll give you the new stuff for you are so dear..

You are so precious and you are so dear
Everything about you I'm wanting to hear
You're not unimportant I see: you're there
Whatever your needing, just know that I care...

Yes your life's painful and often it's dark
It's easy to give up but not so to start
Lean on me wavering and starting to fall
I'll be you courage..I'll answer your call

You are so precious and you are so dear
Everything about you I'm wanting to hear
You're not unimportant I see: you're there
Whatever your needing, just know that I care...

Get up, this morning, and go into your day
Knowing your Creator is paving your way
Look onto each person and place that you go
As a gift from the Heavens: this you should know..

You are so precious and you are so dear
Everything about you I'm wanting to hear
You're not unimportant I see: you're there
Whatever your needing, just know that I care...

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Don't be afraid to have a voice....

Don't be afraid to have a voice
When others say you have no choice
Stand up and say it stand up and tell
You have a voice please use it well

Though others claim you have no right
Be not afraid to be a light
Shine on the world and you will see
Others will come and learn to be free

Don't be afraid to have a voice
When others say you have no choice
Stand up and say it stand up and tell
You have a voice please use it well

When others push for what is wrong
And claim you cannot come along
Sing out to tell it, sing out to all
Everyone matters: the great and small

Don't be afraid to have a voice
When others say you have no choice
Stand up and say it stand up and tell
You have a voice please use it well

The powerful shout it in so many ways
Manipulating people, manipulating days
Not allowing for others to freely choose
When freedom's lost.. it's everything we lose

Don't be afraid to have a voice
When others say you have no choice
Stand up and say it stand up and tell
You have a voice please use it well

Thursday, February 25, 2016

God is God...

Through the storms and darkest times
Comes the Creator of all my rhymes
Bringing hope and bringing healing
Through the kindness that's revealing

God is God and knows no hate
He will call and He will wait
Though others rush and disappear
God is God and  always here...

When times are tough and days are long
And all we do is always  wrong
When others fret and turn away
God will call and He will stay

God is God and knows no hate
He will call and He will wait
Though others rush and disappear
God is God and always here

Tempest blows with frightful sound
The trees uproot and twist around
Winds will roar and buildings fall
But God will come and gently call..

God is God and knows no hate
He will call and He will wait
Though others rush and disappear
God is God and always here..

In everything we do or  say
Whether at work or at our play
When in our home or far away
Let us remember God and say...

God is God and knows no hate
He will call and He will wait
Though others rush and disappear
God is God and always here..

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

As we rise up from our sleep

Oh the moments, that are opening, as we rise up from our sleep
Hear them whispering, hear them speaking.. angelic beings watch and keep...
All the sunbeams, slowly filtering in, breaking through our darkened shades
Morning's calling us, dawn is rousing us, with her helpers and her aides..

Sounds of early morn are now audible and the quietness of the night
Gives an opening to the creatures as they sing out in the light
Robins, blue jays and the cardinals are alive with their purest sound
While the squirrels and the rabbits and the feral kitties romp around

Then the quietest of the created the elements of our waking world
Make their entry into the daylight we see the windiest winds unfurled
Hardly speaking up, only waving now, trees and plantlets of every kind
Bear the imprint of their Maker and are the instructors of our mind

We must pause, now, to be present to the whole universe that we are
Each of us is a true participant in this masterpiece seen from afar
How can we become contributors, the driving force both far and near?
Through our actions and our voice we are creating the atmosphere...

Monday, February 22, 2016

Still in love with us...

The keeper of our souls, the Creator of us all
Is still in love with us: the great ones and the small
And, even  when this world is falling all apart
He  is still our All and is calling us to His Heart

There are so many ways that we can choose to go
We can choose the good or avoid the good we know
No matter what our choices and no matter how we walk
The Spirit of the Eternal will always always talk..

Yes, deep inside our being, whispering all the time
Is the One who's drawing us to our calling more sublime
Whatever it is we're doing and where ever it is we go
There is that constant whispering of the One who's made our soul

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Blessings are coming to you on this day....

Blessings are coming to you on this day
Hidden but present and all along your way
So be watching and ready and willing to see
God is going to bless you and give all you need

It may not be extravagant and it may not be big
The blessings God's preparing and willing to give
But tiny and unseemly and appearing so small
These blessings may seem like no blessings at all.

So be ready and open and willing to receive
The gifts of the Spirit they're all you will need
Priceless and precious and one of a kind
God's gifts are the treasures you can never ever find..

Saturday, February 20, 2016

We are the Heaven we are looking for...

Our world is so hungry; it is hungering for our love
We run around and seek it and we might even shove
Not knowing that we're chasing them:  the things we do not seek
Emptiness is filling us ,,,with the things we choose to keep

We come up and we're searching for the best of the very best
Not knowing that our necessities are found when we rest
It is not inside the having or in  the running all  around
But in the humble vision and in the quiet it's found

In the person who in needy and in the beggar on the street
Is the chance of  our lifetime ...a moment we can meet
The Creator of   the created and the Giver of all life:
In the very act of giving, we see Him with our eyes.

The difficult and the challenging: the ones we most hate
Cry out to our inner consciences in hours that are late
How can we ever help them... these people who do us wrong?
A whisper,from the angels, tells us: .... help them move along...

It is totally counter culture, the way we should really live
For everyone is out to gain more.. but few are wanting to give
Forgiveness is the password in the pews and temple halls
But how many of us really use it when anger rises and calls?

Too much is said of the faith thing but too little is said of love
We claim to be the devout ones but are also throwing the  mud?
Standing out with all of our have to's and our measuring tapes galore
We fail to understand it:  we are the Heaven we're  looking for..

Friday, February 19, 2016

But we have chosen rebellion..

Let me sing to you a song of this world that is ours
How it shown out so brightly that it dimmed all the stars
But now it is falling; and it is falling from what it was
And the whole entire universe is blushing because of us

What has happened to our loving and our caring and our ways
Which once shown out so brightly that the Heavens shouted praise
But now the angelic choirs who once raced to be so near
Are trembling at our fighting and our own destruction drawing fear

Whatever be the reason for why we think we need to fight
We really need to re-evaluate it, for quickly comes the night
When all of the light will vanish and all that we will see
Is the darkness we have created with our own humanity

Too many people are crying and too many are without love
The cries of all the homeless are touching the Heavens above
The broken and the beaten up  and the people without a friend
Are weeping up a river that is foretelling a dreadful end

The voices of all the prophets and the people who can see
Have challenged us for ever and beckoned us to be
The people we were created as, the vessels of God grace
But we have chosen rebellion and see disfigurement all over the place

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Angels are always watching....

Angels are always watching us everywhere we go
They are ever ready with the things that we should know
Enlightening us and guiding us and being by our side
How blessed and very privileged to have them as our guide

With the speed of a lightning and faster than any thought
Angels bring us messages and other things they've brought
Though we've never seen them; they are present everywhere
Waiting for the moment when they'll be answers to our prayer

If you haven't known them or seen them in their ways
You musn't feel unlucky for they're inside of all your days
Though you may never seek them and may never call their name
Angels are assigned to  you: your best interest is their aim..

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Choose your day...

Every day that you wake up,  take in the air;
Breathe in the Life Source flowing everywhere.
Stretch out to touch it: the radiating Divine,
Ready to shine out for your heart and mine.

See it, the beauty, the masterpiece of love.
Shake off your slumber and look up above.
Clouds, in their glory, and sky bright and blue:
Echoing the sentiments of One loving you.

Without ever noticing it,  we are so blessed
With everything we're needing: no need to request
All that is good for us and all that we need;
Is here in our presence because He has decreed.

We will be  forever in  this spirit of ours..
We're  like the Immortal One, despite all our scars:
Infinitely created and infinite we'll be
In Heaven forever or our own hell eternally...

 It's we , who are choosing it,  the path we will take
The choices we're making is  the Heaven we'll make
It can be the most glorious or  as painful as hell
Only we are  responsible: our  consciences will tell

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The weather.....

Torrential the rains that fall to the ground
The wind is quite busy with all of its sound
Soothing the rhythm but powerful the effect
The winter storm's sounding like summer again..

From chilly cold weather to weather right now
It's all a big challenge.... I'm wondering how:
One day it is all icy and now it is all warm
Unpredictable these breezes: see how they swarm..?

Listening to it and hearing it...its all a parade
Of feelings and emotions that are all on display
Carrying the heartbreaks the laughter the joy
The weather is an echo of what people deploy....

Monday, February 15, 2016

Only the silent...

Stop for a moment and listen inside you
Feel every molecule...every single atom too
Touch all the dew drops and breathe in the atmosphere
Notice the  many minutes and the seconds that are everywhere....

Hear all the noiselessness, the silence around you
Soft splashing raindrops and breezes that are passing through
Waving chilled branches with the winged ones now resting
Are sending out their wavelengths before any nesting

Quieting angels are soaring all around us
Softly they are whispering the words of their chorus
Lights in the darkness and wisdom for the seeker
Countless the angels that around us do linger..

Only the silent ones and  the motionless observer
Can truly appreciate those things that can nurture
Not like the tangibleness we long for and  purchase
Are the presents of time that we get from this universe..

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Restless and tired...

Restless and tired, their feet are so painful
Refugees treated like something disdainful
Ousted from countries, rejected by others
Why can we not help them: our sisters, our brothers..?

Children and elderly and parents all hungry
Seeking for shelter..some welcoming country
Why must they suffer it: this heartless obscurity
Victims of Isis and the need for security

Each of us is suffering it; though, we can't see it
The awfulness, they're knowing, is inside of our spirit
Through writers and poets and singers with talent
Tear drops are falling like characters in a ballad

Even the universe is sharing their sorrow
With weather and earthquakes, and an unpredictable tomorrow
United together by a bond so much deeper
Than politics and religion:  we are our brother's keeper

So. when will we do it:  the right thing we're knowing?
How long must these homeless be the headlines we're showing?
When will we help them:these tired and forsaken
And stop passing over them...we are all so mistaken..

Saturday, February 13, 2016

I want to weep, whenever you are weeping...

I want to weep whenever you are weeping
The pain you feel, inside me is seeping
I cannot ever deny it: the gift that is in me
Allowing me to see whatever it is that you see..

The tears that moisten you saddened eyes
The clouds that darken your sunny skies
I see without ever being over there
My heart it is broken and my soul does tear

I want to weep whenever you are weeping
The pain you feel, inside me is seeping
I cannot ever deny it: the gift inside me
That allows me to  see whatever you see..

The sad news you are now anticipating
Inside my mind is now recreating
The pains and sorrows in you so hidden
For your loved ones now sick and bed ridden

I want to weep whenever you are weeping
The pain you feel, inside me is seeping
I cannot ever deny it: the gift inside me
That allows me to  see whatever you see..

Retreating from the world all around you
Feeling despondent in all that you do
I feel it, see it: it pierces me through
I cannot escape it: seeing everything you do

I want to weep whenever you are weeping
The pain you feel, inside me is seeping
I cannot ever deny it: the gift inside me
That allows me to  see whatever you see..

Oh if everyone for one solitary moment
Could jump inside the head of their opponent
Would they be weeping rather than confronting
The enemy who seems  like they're really something?

I want to weep whenever you are weeping
The pain you feel, inside me is seeping
I cannot ever deny it the gift inside me
That allows me to  see whatever you see..

All the things we're not seeing....

I have seen it the fighting, the warring, the crying
And it's not just some blast of a bomb or plane flying
Its also from the depths of our own words so excited
By prejudices and politics and a conscience misguided

We're going to be ending it...the hunger.. the dying
We keep on with our promises, there can't be denying
But the source of our problems the forces we're not seeing
Is not found in the ammo or the ambushes  we're fleeing

The remedy, the healing, the solutions to our warring
Will never be found in the nuclears we're storing
It isn't in the rising up, the missiles, the bombers
That we're going to undo it the invasions, the plotters..

So how do we stop it the destruction, the mind set
That's creating the terrorist and the heart full of prejudice
Both the fighter and the hater are the ones we should be fleeing
If only we can see it: all the things we're not seeing..

It's a changing of the mindset of the morals of the loving
That will stop all of the bombers and the people from shoving
The two are so similar yet the weapons are so different
Killing is still killing:  whether it is  the body or the spirit.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Don't cry too long....

Don't cry too long, don't cry my friend
Your troubles and trials are going to end
Dry up those tears and dry your eyes
The sun  is still shining and warming your skies

I know you're hurting and I know you're scared
Your aching heart has been broken and bared
All hurts and pains and sorrows too
Will come to an end:  I know it's true..

Don't cry too long, don't cry my friend
Your troubles and trials are going to end
Dry up those tears and dry up your eyes
The sun is still shining and warming your skies

Too long you've wept and too long you've cried
Your resources are've tried and tried
No one can see it...,your depths of despair
But there's One who waits for you in prayer..

Don't cry too long, don't cry my friend
Your troubles and trials are going to end..
Dry up those tears and dry up those eyes
The sun is still shining and warming the skies..

Today you'll cry but tomorrow you'll see
That this heartbreak of yours can also be
An opening for light, an opening for love
From which the Almighty can lift you above.

Don't cry too long, don't cry my friend
Your troubles and trials are going to end..
Dry up those tears and dry up those eyes
The sun is still shining and warming the skies..

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Ice crystals

Crisp is the air that is circulating all around us
Winter is singing and we can all hear her chorus
Sounding through  breezes and creating a chill
Mother nature has left us with frost on our sill..

The sun is much brighter and the sky is all blue
It seems so much warmer but it's really not true
For chillier than ice cubes that are starting to form
Is the temperature greeting us as we wake us this morn

Breathing, we  see it, the moisture and the ice
Forming the cold crystals:  it's really quite nice
The patterns and the molecules all frozen in air
Are  the masterpieces of winter that we see everywhere..

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

From the city of Queens.....Donald Trump...

From the city of Queens there quickly arises
An unpolitical man with so many surprises
Beating the odds with  promises for our nation
He campaigns with a confidence that draws  an ovation

Unconventional in rhetoric and unbridled in manner
The New Yorker pushes forward with  unpolished candor
So, while it is  true  that  some will  despise him
Others will be content and see hope on the horizon....

Whatever your opinion is of this presidential election
You cannot deny it:  Trump will win the   selection
And beyond all of this sure-ness and  undeniable charisma
November's election will bring us an answer not dilemma ....

While the soul sleeps....

Slowly the hours are surrounding all of our sleeping
Whispering the wisdom of all the creatures creeping
Telling the wonders of the created world creating
Selling the stories of the spiritual ones debating...

Hushing the moments the winds with their movements
Are tackling the settled with soundings for improvements
Only the echoings of the silent one's  own being
Is louder than the windstorms creation is  seeing

Oh for the knowledge of the powerfully UnCreated
That sorts through the nonsense that's so often overrated
Not with the rhetoric of the learned and the clever
Will the Leader of our spirits reunite us all together

So for this morning that awaits us on the waking
We're heading without knowing the patterns we'll be breaking
Set inside of our spirits is the healing for a nation
And also the instructions for own inner transformation...

Monday, February 8, 2016

When my life gets out of hand.

For all those struggling with mental illness or disorders..

All I'm really wanting from you , all I really need from you
Is that you will finally understand something of what I'm going through
For the things that I've been saying and the things that I might do
Are merely some inner reactions  to some struggle: I know its true

I am on a therapeutic journey and I am on this journey alone
Sometimes I have some supporters and at times I'm on my own 
Won't you try a little bit harder and won't you try to understand
That I cannot really control it when my life gets out of hand..

On the outside I  may seem so heartless and my speech so very crude
I am confronting the majority of  my life like a person who seems so rude
But this isn't my truest nature to be so hurtful or so uncaring
But the imbalance inside of my body is making me seem so overbearing..

I am on therapeutic journey and I am on this journey alone
Sometimes I have some supporters and at times I'm on my own..
Won't you try a little bit harder and won't you try to understand
That I cannot really control it when my life gets out of hand

I want to be like the rest of you and to be glowing in all I do
But the things that keep on showing are a utter disrespect for you
But this is a cause for inner  trembling and a badge for my inner shame
Because all I really want to be doing  are things that bring honor to my name

I am on therapeutic journey and I am on this journey alone
Sometimes I have some supporters and at times I'm on my own..
Won't you try a little bit harder and won't you try to understand
That I cannot really control it when my life gets out of hand

Won't you help me therefore as I struggle and as I'm trying to really heal
Won't you take my honest confessions as something sincere and really real
I wouldn't for a moment be  hateful or be disrespectful in any way
For these actions that keeps on escaping me are a person from yesterday

I am on therapeutic journey and I am on this journey alone
Sometimes I have some supporters and at times I'm on my own..
Won't you try a little bit harder and won't you try to understand
That I cannot really control it when my life gets out of hand

I want to thank you for having me with you for being for me a friend
For walking with me on my journey and allowing me to join the trend
Of people who walk united in one voice and one heart and one soul
Speaking out for those mentally challenged with equality being our goal..

I am on therapeutic journey and I am on this journey alone
Sometimes I have some supporters and at times I'm on my own..
Won't you try a little bit harder and won't you try to understand
That I cannot really control it when my life gets out of hand

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Mental illness....

These covers, like many soldiers, are protecting me from the world
My emotions like so many bullets are relentlessly unfurled
The reasons for my avoidance of everything that is out there
Are found in my diagnosis and the things I cannot share..

So be my friend and my helper and my advocate and my guide
When others choose to mock me, be you ever at my side
The frightfulness of the hours and the minutes of every day
Will slowly disappear whenever you will come my way...

I walk around in my phobias.. afraid of the many noises
Voices, I keep on hearing, speak uncertainty and of choices
No one can understand it the intensity of the situation
I'm suffering from paranoias and a childhood of negation

So be my friend and my helper and my advocate and my guide
When others choose to mock me, be you ever at my side
The frightfulness of the hours and the minutes of every day
Will slowly disappear whenever you will come my way

Like any of the illnesses, mine is challenging as can be
So don't judge me or condemn me for the things you cannot see
I need it, your understanding, your friendship and your love
My mental illness is a burden until you help me rise above...

So be my friend and my helper and my advocate and my guide
When others choose to mock me, be you ever at my side
The frightfulness of the hours and the minutes of every day
Will slowly disappear whenever you will come my way

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Give me your hand and I will give you mine
Together we will put "these ducks in a line".
The task is more simple, the duty less long
When done with a friend.. our arms become strong

So sing with me friend yes sing with me now
The words of this melody that instruct us how
Two people so different with intentions the same
Can transform a struggle into some enjoyable game..

The journey seems burdensome the path is so wide
Together we'll walk it, you and I, side by side
Taking our pauses and embracing the weather
We will face life's long journey like partners together.

So sing with me friend yes sing with me now
The words of this melody that instruct us how
Two people so different with intentions the same
Can transform a struggle into some enjoyable game..

People might mock us and make fun of our ways
But we'll shake off those comments and offer some praise
We'll meet them  with kindness: the ones who do wrong
And then we will invite them to join in our song...

So sing with me friend, yes, sing with me now
The words of this melody that instruct us how
Two people so different with intentions the same
Can transform a struggle into some enjoyable game

Those people who hurt us must suffer alot too
So we'll offer some healing when hatred shines through
We'll speak to them goodness and kindness and love
And inspire them to forgiveness and the path from above..

So sing with me friend, yes, sing with me now
The words of this melody that instruct us how
Two people so different with intentions the same
Can transform a struggle into some enjoyable game...

Friday, February 5, 2016

Beneath these colors...

We are different you and I 
You might laugh and I might cry 
But together we stand like red white and blue
Beneath these colors, we're one it's true

The colors we wave shine out for all
They say I'm big and you are small
They say I'm black and you are white
But together we stand and together we fight

We are different you and I 
You might laugh and I might cry
But together we stand like red white and blue
Beneath these colors, we're one it's true

You like pepsi and I like coke
You run like lightning and I might poke
I'll hail from Poland and you from Germany
But when united it's America we see...

We are different: you and I 
You might laugh and I might cry...
But together we stand: like red, white and blue
Beneath these colors, we're one it's true

You serve the rich ones and I the poor
You're happy with nothing and I with more
You claim the liberals and I the other
Beneath the flag we're sister and brother

We are different: you and I 
You might laugh and I might cry...
But together we stand: like red, white and blue
Beneath these colors, we're one it's true

Because you're different and I am too
We see the colors of red, white and blue
We stand for liberty and we stand for love
When our flag is raised we're all like blood

We are different: you and I 
You might laugh and I might cry..
But together we stand: like red, white and blue
Beneath these colors, we're one its true

Thursday, February 4, 2016

What eyes cannot see

This morning, this second, this space before me opening
Is reminding and encouraging me to keep on in my hoping
For beyond this, all this struggling: for things that are  unreachable
Is the answer,  the everything: the happiness that is unimpeachable

To attain it and to touch it, to be totally immersed inside of it
I must abandon it, run away from it: the enemy of my own spirit
But what is it..the villain:  that is blocking my own happiness
Am I missing it,  overlooking it.. is it inside of my own beingness?

So to discover it and to embrace it: the one thing that I am missing;
I must be in quietness and in stillness and everything else dismissing
Willingly silencing, readily distancing, those things that keep on calling
I become the happier and  victorious in all of these graces falling..

Monday, February 1, 2016

In hours before the daylight

You move me, You touch me, You breathe into my being
You give vision and reason and everything I'm seeing
Oh the wonder, the amazement, the awe that overtakes me
I'm speechless and motionless in the face of all of Your Divinity

In the moments, in seconds, in hours before the daylight:
Without action or agenda I plead with You for insight
In an instant,  in Your aura, You show me all I should see
I'm healing and breathing and lost inside of all You are for me.

So stillness and insight are married together within me
Their offspring their wisdom are manifesting beautifully
I ponder it and savor it the miraculous and Your mystery
That takes place in silence before the morning ever comes to be